SmarTone Screen Replace Claims

Exclusive claims services for SmarTone customers
For customers entitled to 'SmarTone Screen Replace™' on or before October 31 2021, please contact the SmarTone store assistant for claim submission enquiries.

Making your claim offline

Submit your claim to us in 3 steps
We usually have a reply within 10 working days.

Step 1: download and complete the claim form

Screen Replace Claim Form

Step 2 - get your documents ready

Prepare the required supporting documents according to the "Claim Documentations Checklist" listed on the Claim Form.

Step 3: submit application

Send us the completed claim form and required supporting documents within 30 days after the incident:

By post
Avo Insurance Company Limited
Unit 3701, 3705-6, 37/F, 118 Connaught Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
By email
If you have any enquiries about the claim procedure, reach Avo Customer Service Team at +852 3572 8222 or +852 2861 1289 (WhatsApp).
We are available from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.